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Panopticon 720p: How a Loner Created an App That Changed His Life

As suggested in the name, our dataset consists of 100,000 videos. Each video isabout 40 seconds long, 720p, and 30 fps. The videos also come with GPS/IMUinformation recorded by cell-phones to show rough driving trajectories. Ourvideos were collected from diverse locations in the United States, as shown inthe figure above. Our database covers different weather conditions, includingsunny, overcast, and rainy, as well as different times of day including daytimeand nighttime. The table below summarizes comparisons with previous datasets,which shows our dataset is much larger and more diverse.

Panopticon 720p

We will be using the mean Intersection over Union metric. All the ground truth and predictions maps will be resized to 720p (using nearest neighbor) and True positives (TP), False Negatives (FN) and False positives (FP) will be computed for each class (except 26) over the entire test split of the dataset. Intersection over Union (IoU) will be computed for each class by the formula TP/(TP+FN+FP) and the mean value is taken as the metric (commonly known as mIoU) for the segmentation challenge. 2ff7e9595c

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